Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Back into the swing of things

So its been a few days since I've updated you all. Well I'm back in school and the first day I hated it. No seriously, it was the worst. I was so tired from struggling to get around and frustrated to have to tell the same story every five seconds, I was done by the end of the day. But it's getting better , I'm making my way around and getting use to everything. I think it might take me a few more days before I dread going, but I'm going to take it a Dayana time.
Other than that, the doctor went well. All the stitches are out. The funny prt is that the doctor accidentally missed one, so being the do it yourself kind of resin, I took it out myself. It was a good time. Not really but it's a great story to tell. I wish I had something fun to tell you other than the exhaustions of a new semester and hobbling around on a broken leg, but that is it for now. It is kind of nice getting back into a routine with something to do other than sit on my couch watching house marathons(but when I'm in class I would rather be watching a house marathon). So I'm getting back into my routine, hoping things will continue to go smoothly for the rest of the week.
Hoping you all have a fantastic week.
Much love.

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