Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Well according to the state of California I am a handicapped citizen. Pluses: free parking, being able to park close to places, having the ability to get late to school and still have parking, getting help at the gas station; some pretty good perks. Downside: another month and a half of crutches, a broken leg, painful mandatory stretching out of my ankle. But as Safetysuit's(my favorite band of the moment, go check them out. Awesome and motivating lyrics, great music, what's not to love) new song "these times will try hard to define me but I will hold my head up high... These times are hard but they will pass and I know there's a reason, I just keep hoping it won't be long 'till I see it and maybe if we throw up our hands and believe it. I'm telling you these times are hard but they will pass." Yeah, Safetysuit rocks. Their lyrics are targeted towards those hurting in the current times, those falling with the economy, those pained by loss and plagued by the pressures and tortures of a society geared towards perfection and wealth, crushing anyone who can't achieve it or breaks the "rules". If The Fray and Augustanna had a music child, they would be it. Overall their album and my new handicapped status were the highlights of my day, so seriously go get the album. I love finding those on the rise bands, the ones that are so positive, have incredible potential and the ability to make it big.
Your probably wondering "why does she keep going on about this weird band and all this existential stuff?" "How come she's going on about some weird band?" Well it's really not about that at all. The past few days I have been the most pessimistic person in the entire world, hating my situation and wondering why. But when listening to these simple lyrics, I realize it is for a reason. It's just a simple reminder of the simple things I need to cherish, like walking, running, family, friends, those simple things. And let's face it, I'm going to have another day when it's just too much for me and I get frustrated and can't handle it but I'm going to remind myself that I need to appreciate what I do have.
So this is what I take away.
Wishing you all a fantastic rest of the week.
Much love.

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